Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

Our last Christmas in New York - so peaceful!

"Di" gives Ben his present - two super-cute books of "Thomas" (the train)

Christmas Eve - just the two of us (Ben asleep)

Christmas Day (Dec 25, 2010) - visit of the Central Park Zoo

On the second Christmas Day - celebration with our wonderful friends Reeta, Antti, Noah, little Vera and Antti's father (his mom was unfortunately sick)

Ben is checking out what Noah is unwrapping...

Starter: herring with red beets on rye bread.
Main course: lamb with a walnut crust, red cabbage, candied chestnuts, mashed potatoes and fennel, green beans, cranberry sauce and a pear-based whiskey gravy.
Grande finale: marzipan-ice cream with fresh berries - YUMM!

"Our" girl - we have the honor of being Vera's Godparents!!!!!!!!!
So exciting. The baptism will be in Finland in summer!

Noah - trying some lime

HAPPY! ;-)

A big snowstorm came over New York in the night - this is what it looked like this morning (Dec 27). Dianne could not come in since there's more than a foot of snow in most areas and the streets are blocked and public transportation not working everywhere...

Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010

Ben's December...

Lots of pizza - because that's the only thing I eat when I am sick!

And again...




Ben in a box ;-)

Gym Class at LIC kids

Montag, 6. Dezember 2010

It's all about DANISH Christmas this weekend!

Shopping for the Christmas Surprise present at Lisbeth and Henning's....

On the carousel and Christmas market at Bryant Park

Happy DANISH Christmas - a wonderful tradition for the fourth year in a row now ;-)
Tak, Lisbeth, Henning and Daniel :-)

Awesome hosts: Lisbeth and Henning

Amazing food!

Benni is chilling on the sofa - with the ipad ;-)

Sunday afternoon: Danish goodies at Henriette
Abbleskiver and gloegg